
RailsUnder talk: internet of things

Posted in rails by elisehuard on July 25, 2009

Rails Underground is proving to be extremely interesting – I’ll do a separate post about the talks I enjoyed later on.
Although to be honest the first day passed in a haze of nerves for me, since i was doing a talk that evening. Note to self: attempt to talk early on.

I had some expert advice beforehand from my friend Baudouin, who’s doing coaching for presentations, which I duly memorized. But of course, once i came on stage, all the good advice went out of the window. I talked too fast, I moved around, I pulled on my shirt, etc.

Well, despite all this, the subject matter seems to have interested people: a surprising number of people came to me afterwards telling me it was inspirational, and made them want to get started themselves ! So all’s well.
The video should be published later, apparently.
Update: the videos are already online ! Impressive.
